"I just caught my doubt creep in”
Today I’m starting a personal challenge.
My goal is to write.
(At least) a paragraph every single day.
There are no parameters.
Except to write EVERY day.
When I was a kid, I scribbled down on the “bucket list” piece of paper “write a book.” And truthfully, someday I still would like to be a published author.
Recently I’ve been realizing that to be an author… to write to that magnitude… to that amount… I’m going to need some practice.
I write some. It comes and goes. …but I know I need to write more. I ENJOY writing… so WHY NOT commit to write just a paragraph every day?
I just caught my doubt creep in. For creatives, it’s also known as the critic.
“You’re going to be really busy the next 100 days, you sure NOW is the best time?”
“How are you going to organize all this writing? What if you have to use paper some days, and your phone other days… are you going to publish them all? Sounds like a nightmare.”
And finally the biggest doubt…. “What if you MISS a day???”
I’m noticing myself fighting each of these doubts.
Reassuring myself.
Rationalizing my decision.
…. Maybe a really busy time is a GREAT time to set aside time for myself every day. How do I know?
…My goal is to write every day. It would be great to have all of them published, but IF I wrote, doesn’t matter where, or with what… It’s OKAY.
….Any amount of days I accomplish, is THAT many more days that I practiced doing something I enjoy.
At my core, I am a storyteller. Traditionally, how I’ve told stories is a combination of visuals (most often photography) and text.
I’ve spent many years practicing photography… I’ve taken a lot of ‘bad’ photos. But I keep doing it.
It’s now time for me to have some ‘bad’ writing. Because what really is ‘bad’ anyway?!?
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